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HKTDC World SME Expo 2014

NASA Space Exploration knowledge


Course Description:
In Orlando, the NASA space camp, pilot training experience the universe are arranged by NASA,
we have
education in entertainment, from which the participants raise interest in the development of the universe, and its culture to understand the importance of teamwork, and learn concern for others, For participants to further hold the universe from contact with the great dream. NASA's responsibility is to let the student’s exposure in the U.S. space program, the core of the study, to arouse the space and scientific research interests.
The curriculum focus on:
Visit the NASA Space Hall of Fame
understanding experience of life and taste space food
NASA on the success of space missions and continue to adhere to the scientific development
Learning space and the moon walk
Learning on the space shuttle flight principle and structure
Training team spirit, common space and landing on the moon mission completed
Space Station design their own hands and the production of rockets, hot-air balloon, and to confront competition
Space history, past, present and future of space exploration
On space science and the daily life of convenience

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